PenServ Plan Services implemented a strict policy of protecting that information and adhering to the policies and procedures adopted by our firm. When an agreement is signed with our Company, or you use the services provided by our firm, you jointly and severally agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy and Agreement.
In this Agreement the terms “we”, “our”, or “us” means PenServ Plan Services, Inc. (“PenServ”), and the terms you and yours mean all participants, brokers and plan sponsors.
We only collect information about participants for lawful business purposes, or as otherwise required by applicable law in the administration of retirement plans under contract with our Company. Information is collected about participants from the following sources:
Use of the PenServ web site or linking to a site we sponsor requires the use of “cookies,” which includes information the web site stores on a visitor’s web browser to identify the site of the user next time the site is visited. Confidential or sensitive information is not provided through the use of cookies. Cookies are used by our programs only to assist a participant in the use of online transactions and navigation through the system. In certain applications, cookies are used to help protect the privacy of a participant’s transactions by, for example, terminating the connection if the user fails to log off the system. We also collect e-mail addresses from participants who request electronic services, and from participants who provide their email address in writing.
To assist participants who use our services, information we receive is shared within our organization. This includes PenServ employees and certain authorized third parties described in this paragraph, who have agreed to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information. We also share this information with companies that may provide financial services who have been specifically authorized by your employer. We will also share certain information upon receipt of a qualified domestic relations order certified by a duly authorized court.
We have established internal procedures designed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all participant records, including, but not limited to the issuance of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) Code that is unique to each participant. Our employees do not have access to this code and you are advised to maintain the confidentiality of this number. Upon receipt of the PIN information, you should immediately access the electronic system provided by your Plan and modify your access information to ensure the confidentiality of your account data. The PIN Code you or we assign to your account should not be disclosed to any other individual. If your PIN Code is misplaced or forgotten, you must contact our office at the number listed below and a new code will be mailed to you at the address of record contained in your Plan account or to your Employer Plan representative within 24 hours. PenServ will not reset or reassign a new PIN Code from telephone or email communication.
PenServ reserves the right to modify, change or amend this Policy and Agreement at any time without notice other than as expressly required by applicable law. If further information is required or if you have any questions, you should contact our office as indicated below.
By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those change
PenServ Plan Services, Inc.
Attn: Compliance Officer
P.O. Box 3109
Columbia, SC 29171
(803) 791-4923